Glenn, a wonderful Christian man and a personal friend of mine, inspired me long ago with his powerfully rich piano playing abilities. His music truly captivates and inspires everyone who hears it. Many years ago, he told me of his dream to publish some most treasured Christian songs on CD, and now it has come to pass! Now, you too, can enjoy his unique abilities as you listen to this godly and inspired music.
Gospel Piano Performances by: Glenn Clayton
Songs included on the CD:
1. Be Still, My Soul
2. Thou Art Worthy
3. Near to the Heart of God
4. Give Thanks
5. Think About His Love 6. Joshua Fought the Battle of Jericho
7. Glorify Thy Name
8. Turn Your Eyes Upon Jesus
9. Amazing Grace
10. Bind Us Together/Blest Be the Tie that Binds
11. Lamb of God
12. Here I Am, Lord/Take My Life and Let It Be